Jumat, 13 Desember 2019

necessity is the mother of invention

nak, necessity is the mother of invention ... (Plato)

satu kalimat plato ini ternyata mampu menjawab berbagai pertanyaan tentang:
- mengapa penelitian yg mengejar contribution dan invention dimulai dari masalah penelitian (dawson, 2009)
- mengapa proses data mining digerakkan oleh business understanding yg didahului dg analisis masalah dan kebutuhan organisasi (north, 2016)
- mengapa pengembangan software didahului adanya system request dan user requirements (dennis, 2016)
- mengapa ide enterprise architecture itu baru diterima setelah organisasi tumbuh besar, makin sulit dikelola dan makin ga nyambung antara strategi perusahaan dg proses bisnis, risiko, kpi, aplikasi dan teknologi? (lankhorst, 2009)
- dan mengapa teriakan demokrasi, integritas, dan solusi kreatif tentang anti korupsi tidak pernah bisa lahir dari politikus2 yang berkuasa ... karena itu bukan kebutuhan atau kepentingan mereka, nak!
---------------------- RSW 2019

What Steve Jobs Learnt after he was fired from Apple

because we're paying people to tell us what to do
well i dont want .. we pay people to do things
that's easy to find people to do things
whats harder is to find people to tell u what should be done
right.. thats what we do for

we pay people a lot of money
and we expect them to tell us what to do - Steve Jobs when in Next


because we're paying people to tell us what to do
well i dont want .. we pay people to do things
that's easy to find people to do things
whats harder is to find people to tell u what should be done
right.. thats what we do for

we pay people a lot of money
and we expect them to tell us what to do - Steve Jobs when in Next

and so , ... attitude
not feel good about em

sometimes it works, sometimes we still working on it - end years Target

whats harder is to find people to tell u what should be done

when i say that time, damn it i'am the CEO and we're doing it this way

we're small, we're not Goliath
we're very valuable David to work with